Working with the sound functions in Flash ActionScript 3.0, it took some work to understand the Sound, SoundMixer, SoundChannel, and SoundTransform classes. My goal was to use a sound object to animate other display objects. I found a few examples that applied sound spectrum functions, so I started by looking at Lee Brimelow's Sound Spectrum Display tutorial on his excellent Flash tutorials site,
I created a SpectrumTest class for manipulating the animation and sound object, which worked out well. Using an EnterFrame event handler, the function draws colored circles along a linear path representing frequency, and the size of the circles is derived from the values extraced from the SoundMixer's computeSpectrum
The first iteration displayed the animated objects in spectrum along a horizonal axis.

I decided to change the orientation of the spectrum along a vertical axis, so I modified the function. Additional controls include a play button and a volume slide bar. I also wanted to view the media load process, so I added a media progress bar along the top. You can view the Flash movie here:
This was a good learning experience for me, and didn't take too long to produce.
The song I used for this project is All Of Your Love by Aphek, an artist I enjoy listening to on
Download for this Flash project (song not included):
Aloha, Joe
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