Thursday, August 13, 2009

Flash CS3 to Flash CS4

I've been jumping back and forth between the two Flash IDEs lately. Most of my work is done in CS3, but I'm finding more and more effective solutions in CS4. As I look deeper, there are some amazing classes like the new Sound API for Flash 10 that provide more controls over audio. Of course, applying new animation and 3D effects are greatly improved in CS4.

I registered for one of Adobe's online eSeminars on CS4, and hope to get even deeper into the benefits of using Flash CS4.

My latest project applies the Flash 10 Sound API to create new audio controls. I've been previewing several audio libraries, including the NoteFlight StandingWave2 sound library by Joe Berkovitz, and Ryan Berdeen's SoundTouch library. I hope to discuss the results of these studies sometime soon.

A couple of great resources for additional Flash and ActionScript 3 references have turned up on Twitter and in groups. To better focus on my attention on programming, I'm trying to rebuild my Twitter network. Follow jazzairtech.

Aloha, Joe

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